7 Celebrities Without Skeletons In Their Closets

With paparazzi following your every move and the public looking for just about any opportunity to say oh no they didn’t, it’s stunning to find that there are celebrities who have managed to keep themselves scandal-free. Words with the cops? Nope? Drunk in public? Not these people — in fact of few of them never drink at all.
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Granted nearly all who live in the public eye have had occasional friction with a fellow star or a quote that came off badly, but these stars have avoided having such interactions tarnish their overall saintly reputations.
From eternal nice guy Tom Hanks to perfectly polished Natalie Portman, here are 7 celebs who seemingly don’t have a skeleton to speak of … yet.

The post 7 Celebrities Without Skeletons In Their Closets appeared first on RadarOnline.


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