Ariana Grande – 7 Rings (BBMAs 2019 Performance Live) (Sweetener World Tour, Vancouver)

#ArianaGrande #BBMAs #Sweetener

I’m very sad that I didn’t get a really good quality recording of this song, especially after realizing it was being filmed for the BBMAs 2019, as can be glimpsed from the side of the car. The upside is that there will at least be a really good recording available on TV for everyone to see and experience. This song gives a bit of a glimpse into what I had to contend with during my recording process, with other phones, security and professional camera men constantly in my way. All I could do was try my best to work around them. I understand why everyone is doing it, and can appreciate it, the only issue I have is that I am trying to do it mostly so that other fans can have a quality experience through my videos and doing my best to be mindful of everyone else around me. This is the main reason I like to be in a good position to begin with, seeing as I try my hardest not to limit those around me from their enjoyment, which is a lot harder when I am trying to work around other people as best I can. Live and learn. The location I was in was far from ideal for her concert for recording, although it was still an incredible concert.

This is Ariana Grande performing her song ‘7 Rings’ live at Rogers Arena, Vancouver, BC on April 27th, 2019, during the Sweetener World Tour, recorded for the BBMAs 2019.


(All my concert footage I personally recorded and am only uploading to promote the artists in question. I am not doing it for monetary gain and claim no copyright on the content of the recordings. If you own the rights to the media used in the video and have a problem with it being uploaded on my channel, please contact me through YouTube, E-Mail, or Twitter.)

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