Fadila Chafic (pictured), an Australian swimming instructor, wore a blue burkini on Tuesday as she swam in a west Sydney pool with her two children, Taaleen and Ibrahim (pictured). Pictures of the Muslim mother’s swimming costume have emerged as tensions continue to rise in France after burkinis were banned in several coastal towns, including Nice and Cannes. On Wednesday a woman lying on a beach in Nice was asked by four police officers to remove her long sleeve top and issued a fine for $56AU (inset) as crowds looked on.
Original Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3757352/Muslim-mum-wears-burkini-teaches-kids-swim-Sydney-pool-French-police-crack-Nice-beach.html
Original Video: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1323257/Australian-swim-instructor-Fadila-Chafic-wears-burkini.html
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