With an astounding number of sub-alliances, there was really no telling whether Tyler or Christmas would be evicted.
The pair were on the block at the top of the episode, and barring a last-minute twist, one of them was going home.
Tyler used the relationship between Memphis and Christmas to his advantage, telling Cody that Memphis would take Christmas to the final two over him.
In his defense, Tyler said it increased the odds that Christmas or Memphis could win the game, especially because Cody could not play in the next round’s HOH competition.
Memphis made a rookie mistake when he failed to tell Cody about the other Wise Guys alliance with Christmas, prompting Cody to question when he would need to cut Memphis loose.
The target on Memphis continued to grow when he told Enzo he would be targeting Nicole for eviction next week.
As expected, Enzo returned to master Cody to inform him that this season’s Victoria would be clipped next week if they did not win the power.
Cody was frustrated, mostly because everyone has followed his rule throughout this painfully boring season of Big Brother.
Because Enzo and Nicole would follow Cody, Cody made the decision whether to keep Christmas or Tyler. In the end, Tyler was given the boot.
Before that, Christmas made a hilarious comment about this being the best final six houseguests in the history of Big Brother.
As laughable as her comment was, it showed how far away from reality she was. This is the women who was arrested and charged for ramming her ex-boyfriend’s side piece’s car, and she thinks she would be considered for a hosting role if Julie Chen ever left.
Yeah, we’re going to assume she will be blacklisted by CBS.
Tyler was evicted by a vote of 3-0.
We also took a trip to the jury house and it was clear a bitter jury was forming.
David made a comment about being annoyed that Nicole, a former winner, was not evicted over him, but he failed to recognize that he played zero game during his time in the house.
Da’Vonne revealed her thoughts on Nicole, saying that she was nothing more than a snake and that Janelle was right about her.
Then we had Dani, who said she was betrayed by Cody, but at least everyone in the jury still wanted her in the house.
It was a weird episode, but at least this mess of a season is almost over.
Big Brother continues Monday at 8/7c.