It is possible that Keeping Up With The Kardashians may move to the west wing of the White House someday because Kim Kardashian could run for president or, more likely, her husband, Kanye West, could consider running.
Although CNN reported that Kim Kardashian said “never say never” when asked about a possible candidacy for president in the future, that’s not exactly what the star of television meant. In an appearance on The Van Jones Show, he said, “that’s not going to be the case, Kim will run away, it’s not where I am”.
Kim Kardashian visited President Donald Trump to discuss the pardon of Alice Marie Johnson, and his visit should have worked because, shortly after, the president pardoned Johnson, who served 21 years in prison. While the expert businesswoman visited the White House, many people felt that they could be measuring it for their possible future there, considering that Kanye West announced a presidential offer some years ago, and it continues to emerge as a possibility.
The fact that a television star like Donald Trump ran and won the position of president of the United States makes Kim and his family believe that the sky is the limit.
“I know, that’s why Kanye loves him, it’s the idea that anything could happen,” he said, according to a People report.
The recent incursion of Sister Kardashian into the political arena seems to have made her think of how much more everyone could achieve working together, instead of everyone arguing all the time and being so partisan in government and society.